Munich Econometrics Workshop 2023
This two-day event featured presentations on recent advances in econometrics.
From 6 - 7 July 2023
Schloss Fürstenried, Munich
Event Schedule
6th of July
Start of conference
Start with lunch, then half day of lectures, then conference dinner at the Fürstenrieder Schwaige (
7th of July
Full day of talks
Full day of talks, guided walking tour through Munich's Old City Center, followed by dinner in the center.
8th of July
Excursion to the mountains
Timothy Christensen (University College London)
Heterogeneity-Robust Estimation and Inference
Ivan Fernandez-Val (Boston University)
Distributed Regression with Censored Selection
Jean-Jacques Forneron (Boston University)
Noisy, Non-Smooth, Non-Convex Estimation of Moment Condition Models
Florian Gunsilius (University of Michigan)
Free Discontinuity Design
Martin Huber (University of Fribourg)
Testing the Identification of Causal Effects in Observational Data
Damian Kozbur (University of Zurich)
Generalized Error Control in Large Multiple Testing Problems
Konrad Menzel (New York University)
Transfer Estimates for Causal Effects across Heterogeneous Sites
Ulrich Müller (Princeton University)
Spatial Unit Roots
Andres Santos (UC Los Angeles)
Identification and Estimation in a Class of Potential Outcomes Models
Vira Semenova (UC Berkeley)
Identification-Precision Tradeoff in Partially Identified Models
Liyang Sun (CEMFI)
Adapting to Misspecification
Kaspar Wuthrich (UC San Diego)
Selection and Parallel Trends
Organising Comittee
This conference was organized by Helmut Farbmacher (TU Munich), Daniel Wilhelm (LMU Munich, UCL, CeMMAP), and Joachim Winter (LMU Munich).